Content-Area Collaborations for Secondary Grades

Content-Area Collaborations for Secondary Grades

Using the AASL Standards Framework for Learners, this book demonstrates ways to use the Shared Foundations and Domains in your instructional design while collaboratively planning personalized learning experiences with content-area educators. Incorporating contributions from secondary school librarians across the country, this resource contains 20 units rooted in the AASL Standards and tailored to foster collaboration with content areas through alignments with other sets of national standards. This ready-to-go resource, enhanced with discussion questions, rubrics, worksheets, and assessment activities, provides

⦁ three or four learning units in chapters for each Shared Foundation, each unit containing four lessons moving learners through the Domains of Think, Create, Share, and Grow;
⦁ connections between the AASL Standards and other sets of national and content-area standards, highlighting opportunities to approach content area educators with collaboration ideas;
⦁ tips and a template for getting started developing your own collaborative opportunities; and
⦁ numerous additional resources to aid in personalization.  

This tool will support school librarians and other educators working together as they strive to deliver and design creative, personalized, and authentic learning experiences using the AASL Standards.

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