ALA Youth Media Awards

Have you been watching the various blogs as they try to predict the upcoming ALA Youth Media Awards? Well, next Monday all the wondering will be over. I will be in Baltimore for LibLearnX and am so excited to sit in that auditorium and watch the announcements live. It is the librarian’s Oscars! The anticipation […]

New Year, New Focus

I know I haven’t written for a long time. But with the new year, I will try to be more consistent. Fall was a busy time. My co-author and I presented at two national conferences: NCTE and YALSA symposium. For both, we talked LGBTQIA+ books and issues. I’m sorry that this is still a problem […]


Red background with white crown and lettering reading Keep Calm and Start Collaborating

After reflecting on the testing situation, and talking with wise friends, I am rethinking testing.  I now think it can be viewed as an opportunity – for solidarity with colleagues, we are all in this together, for demonstrating the spirit of team player, showing administrators we can work and play well with others, and for […]

Read On

I do love books! I guess that is expected of a librarian. I had my spare bedroom made into a library! It was one of those bucket list things. Have I read all those books? Not yet, but I will. And that doesn’t count all that I have in my Kindle account. If you were […]

AASL ’21 Conference

American Association of School Librarians logo consisting of orange and green lettering AASL, for the 2021 Salt Lake City conference taking place October 21 to 23rd of 2021.

This week I’m heading to the AASL Conference to talk about collaboration! I will be there Thursday through Sunday, so check your conference app and see where I will be! I’ve been talking about and taking part in collaborative projects for my entire career. For me, it’s a natural thing to do. I understand better […]

School Library Pledge

Here is my pledge for this school year.  I will read and repeat this out loud whenever needed throughout the year be be sure my space is always the best place for teaching and learning and I can possibly be. Like it or not, the school year is upon us.  It is up to us to […]